Sistema Statistico Regionale
VENEZIA - DORSODURO   Rio dei Tre Ponti 3494/A
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Europe 2020

Energy efficency: final (primary) energy consumption

The legislative requirements under Directive 2012/27 / EU refer to two aspects of EU's energy data: the measured energy consumption and consumption expected to 2020 in a standard economic scenario. In particular the measured energy consumption should be 20% lower than expected.
The reference values for 2020 are set out in Article 3 of Directive 2012/27 / EU: for the achievement of energy efficiency, energy consumption in EU 28 must not exceed 1.483 Mtoe of primary energy or, equivalently, 1.086 Mtoe final energy. For Italy, the national target is respectively 158 Mtoe for primary energy and 124 Mtoe for the final one.
Source: Eurostat

EU Target:

20% reduction of consumption per year

Energy final comsumption(*) (Mtep). Italy and EU28.  
Anni 1990:2019

Area   1990 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019
Italy 107,83 120,22 124,82 126,45 133,80 135,66 134,28 128,51 121,82 113,31 115,92 115,19 116,44 115,50
EU28 1088,50 1126,00 1132,77 1145,97 1189,68 1196,63 1184,79 1166,90 1118,05 1069,00 1111,48 1123,25 1124,90 1117,71
Source: Processing by Veneto Region - Directorate of Regional Statistical System on Eurostat data