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Link: Networks e Synergies

Social Development Networks

Chapter 1

Housing quality

Chapter 2

The centre and the suburbs: different systems of mobility

Chapter 3

The family and solidarity

Chapter 4

Quality of education network

Chapter 5

Living the employment network

Economic Networks

Chapter 6

Links within the economic system

Chapter 7

The trade network

Chapter 8

Veneto agriculture network

Chapter 9

Mountain synergies

Chapter 10

Production networks

Chapter 11

The distribution network

Chapter 12

Tourism: synergy between sectors and networks between individuals

Institutional services and

Chapter 13

The network for workplace health prevention

Chapter 14

The Veneto model for the integration of social and healthcare services

Chapter 15

Public Administration: services for citizens and businesses

Chapter 16

Telematic networks in Veneto

Chapter 17

The environmental and territorial checking networks

Chapter 18

Cross-border institutional networks

Chapter 19

Inter-institutional local models

1 - The figures tell the story

"Sheltering oneself from the elements" has always been one of man's most vital needs. Over the millennia the concept of housing has evolved tremendously: from a mainly "physical" idea it has moved into the domain of culture and identity, to become an existential matter for people and for families.
"Living" is considered part of the wider phenomenon of "quality of life", with its various facets- the individual, the family, the community and society. Housing is also one of the key components of social rights, as is also recognised by the European Council.
The central node of the housing network is made up of the three meanings the idea of the home takes on: it is a building equipped to provide for the needs of every-day life; it is the focus of everyday life, a place for relationships and privacy; and it is a place of residence situated within a local community. The two main players in the housing network are families, that group of people for whom housing has to provide a decent standard of living, and the community, that physical and critical space within which the housing is situated. The aspects making up the concept of "living" are related to the idea of quality: type of housing, features of the building and utilities, the presence of durable goods, overcrowding, occupancy status, perceived and financial sustainability of ownership of the housing, experience with regards the quality of the local community and satisfaction with living conditions. As well as an in-depth look at certain areas, the chapter provides summary indicators in order to facilitate a better understanding of the various aspects influencing quality of life.
Overall, living conditions in Veneto are good, as can be seen through the generally medium-high scores in all the subcategories measuring living conditions and the fact that most families in Veneto claim to be satisfied with their homes. Most families live in detached or semi-detached houses and in Italy, more so than in other European countries, the culture of owning one's own home prevails. Renting is mainly seen as an enforced choice for less well-off families who struggle to make the bank credit necessary to buy a house.
A ridiculously small number of houses lack the most fundamental structural features and a lot of families also have facilities of a slightly higher level, i.e. those which are not strictly essential but which increase families' comfort. Utilities are in good condition with regards safety and functioning, and houses tend to be quite spacious.
Families are generally satisfied with their surrounding area and access to local services. One of the biggest problems families encounter is keeping up with spending on the home as this cuts firmly into the family budget.
(Chapter 1 in figures)

Chapter 1 in figures
Chapter 1 in figures

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Data processed by the Statistics Office of Regione Veneto are collective property; reproduction of this material is authorised for non-commercial purposes only, provided the source "Regione Veneto - Regional Statistics System Management" is acknowledged.
English translation by the University of Padova Language Centre.